All but one of the eleven members of the Dignity/Washington Board met from Saturday, January 29 to Sunday, January 30, 2011 at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center in Marriottsville, Maryland for an overnight retreat that stressed spiritual renewal, leadership formation, and strategic planning for Dignity/Washington’s upcoming year. Dr. Tom Little, long-time executive director of the Center, led a two-part session on friendship in the works of St. Francis de Sales, St. Jane de Chantal, Mahatma Gandhi, and other spiritual masters, developing the theme of how friendship to all serves as the underpinning of the Board’s work. In later sessions, the Board assessed Dignity/Washington community needs and resources and possible future efforts to increase volunteer service opportunities and improve public relations and outreach. Joining the Board were two members of the Dignity/Washington Liturgy Committee.

Standing from left to right are Mark Hibschman, Allen Rose, Tom McMahon, Matt Scheeser, Tom Bower, Chris Hinkle, Ellen Lee-Bosanek, Dan Hayes, Dan Barutta, Jake Hudson, Dr. Tom Little, Henry Huot and Peter Edwards, all attending the Dignity/Washington Annual Board Retreat on January 29-30, 2010. Missing from this photo and a member of the Dignity/Washington Board is Tom Shipley.