Dignity Washington is a registered, designated, charitable organization with AmazonSmile, a website operated by Amazon that allows users to choose from the same selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as available on Amazon.com.

The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by their customer. NO additional cost is passed on to the consumer. Please consider Dignity Washington as your charitable organization when you shop on AmazonSmile.
Combined Federal Campaign
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaign in the world. Over the past fifty years, the CFC has raised more than $7 billion to help neighbors in need around the corner, across the nation, and throughout the world. The CFC of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) is the local campaign for federal employees in the Washington Metropolitan Area.
Universal Giving (UG) was launched in 2014 and remains active. Through UG, federal employees can donate to any CFC-approved charity in the country, in addition to the 4,400 local, national, and international charities that are part of the National Capital Area. No matter what causes federal workers cherish, they can find CFC-participating charities that are meaningful to them.
Federal employees have raised over $50 million – funds that provided promising futures, an improved world, and better communities. If you participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), please consider contributing to Dignity Washington. Our designation number is 46786.
Donations to Dignity Washington are fully tax deductible. If you would like a year-end receipt for your donations, please use the offering envelopes provided in the back of the church.