Dignity and Capital Pride, June 8-9, 2024

Dignity Washington clearly demonstrated our pride during the main Capitol Pride 2024 events. About 25 members attended the Night Out with the Nationals last Thursday and while the game didn’t produce a curly “W,” it was a lovely evening to watch the game and share conversations among friends.

Both the Capitol Pride Parade and the Street Festival were on beautiful sunny days with just enough of a breeze to cool off the warm rays of the sun. Saturday morning, Larry Ranly and Peter Edwards entered the staging area to decorate a convertible and a big pick-up truck. Both vehicles were full of passengers as about 25 other DW members and guests walked down 14th Street and then on the Pennsylvania Avenue with the sight U.S. Capitol Building clearly ahead of us.

On Sunday, Larry Ranly and others set-up the booth at the Pride Festival on Pennsylvania Avenue where we had a steady stream of guests who were interested in learning more about Dignity Washington, our bottled water, or our candy giveaways. We collected a full sheet of names of people we will contact to share more about Dignity Washington.

Finally, at Mass celebrated by Fr. Rick, we closed out the evening with some new guests, two of whom attended Notre Dame in Indiana unbeknownst to either one of them. Doug Kilburg provide the after-Mass refreshment that carried out the colors of the rainbow flag in the food he prepared.

All in all, it was a grand Pride celebration and one of which Dignity Washington should be proud!

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