DignityUSA Executive Director Briefs Dignity Washington

Following the after-Mass Social on Sunday, February 25, Dignity Washington was blessed to have Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA share stories of her recent trip to Rome and a meeting with Pope Francis this past October. Marianne addressed approximately 30 people in the social hall and painted a picture of their various experiences.

The Synod On Synodality (last October) and follow-on meetings (set for October 2024) were the main topics. Marianne shared the preparations of her time in Rome along with Sam Albano, the DignityUSA Board Secretary; their multiple meetings with Synod delegates, media, and others in the Vatican; and her sit-down, face-to-face meeting with Pope Francis — a definite hallmark in DignityUSA’s history. The meeting with the Pope is significant because he knew who they were and the groups they represented!

Marianne also mentioned that 13 Dignity communities will have celebrated their 50th Anniversaries by the end of this year. Coming up this year are: Detroit (May), Minneapolis (in the fall), and Pittsburgh (TBD). The reach of Dignity goes beyond our boarder, with our sister groups in England, France, and Australia, who DignityUSA helped organize, also are celebrating 50 years of service to LGBTQIA Catholics!!!

To read more about Marianne’s visit with Pope Francis, go

To learn more about DignityUSA, go here.

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