Dan Barutta, President of Dignity/Washington with guest preacher Rabbi Laurie Green on Pentacost Sunday
Rabbi Green Explores the Meaning of Humble Pride
The 2014 Capital Pride Sunday, June 8, fell on Pentecost Sunday this year. Pentecost Sunday was marked by Dignity/Washington’s special welcome to Rabbi Laurie Green of Washington’s LGBT Temple Bet Mishpachah who delivered the homily at its Capital Pride Sunday Mass.
Noting the Jewish historical antecedents of the feast of Pentecost and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, Rabbi Green told the Jewish tale of how there was an argument among mountains as to which of them God would select for this great honor. God rejected the most lofty and exalted mountains and instead selected lowly Mount Sinai, the least of the contenders, to show God’s favor to the humble and unpretentious.
Jewish tradition stresses the virtue of anavah which translates loosely as “humble pride,” that lets people accept who they are and what they’ve been given so they can use it in service to others. This attitude leads to joy, courage and inner dignity if one commits to it wholeheartedly.
Celebrating the advances in LGBTQI rights since Stonewall, she pointed out today’s backlash against those rights in countries like Russia, India, Jamaica and Uganda, among others. She challenged her own congregation and Dignity/Washington to give $20 and 20 minutes to help LGBTQI rights efforts worldwide as part of their Pride celebrations.
Dignity/Washington President Dan Barutta expressed the community’s sincere appreciation for her presence and remarks and pledged continued collaboration between our two faith communities.