Sunday, April 14, 2013 Father Joseph Palacios was presider and homilist at a Farewell Mass with Dignity/Washington held at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church. Many of his friends and associates in his multi-faceted ministry to the DC area LGBT community participated and extended their well wishes, including those from Georgetown University, and Catholics For Equality which he helped to found.

Fr Joseph Palacios (c) with Stephen Utley (l) and husband Michael Holtz (r), at his farewell Mass with Dignity/Washington. Joe officiated at their wedding.
Joe will assume a new ministry with the Spiritual Care Department of Clinical Services at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California (just outside of Palm Springs) later this spring, primarily running groups, doing individual assessments, lectures, and strategic planning regarding US Latinos and Latin Americans. “The job integrates much of my past,” writes Joe, “and provides some great opportunities for research and innovative thinking regarding addiction and recovery.” The Mass was followed by a special social in the parish hall. Godspeed, Joe, and best wishes. You will be sorely missed.
by Henry Huot, Dignity/Washington Board member