New Dignity Liturgy Committee Chair — Mike O’Donnell

Thank you for trusting me with the responsibilities of chairing the Liturgy Committee. I have been asked to introduce myself and explain my vision for the committee.

As for me, most of you either know who I am, or you have at least seen me serve as an acolyte, lector, and as an occasional guest homilist. Outside of Dignity, I live with my partner, Mark, of 19 years and have been teaching theology and philosophy for just as long at a Catholic high school.

As for any big plans for the Liturgy Committee, I can’t say I have any plans to shake things up. Denis Pringle left things running smoothly, and I hope to continue the fine work he began.

They say you never really know a job until you’ve done it for a year, so this first year will largely be one of observation. I think we do a fine job already with our Sunday liturgies with many excellent priests and a very capable choir.

One change coming up on July 7th is that we’ll be having a lay-led liturgy without a priest, presided by yours truly. We are doing this as a trial run in case there ever comes a day when we do not have as many fine celebrants as we do today. I welcome any feedback you have from that liturgy.

I would also like to continue our tradition during Advent and Lent of having weekly Faith Sharing sessions, although these were put on hold this past year due to the reconstruction efforts going on at the Dignity Center. I am open to suggestions for how we might enhance the Advent, Christmas, Lenten, and Easter seasons.

I want to encourage people to get more involved, especially when it comes to the position of acolyte. We currently have four regular acolytes and sometimes with people’s work and travel schedules, you end up seeing the same person serving as acolyte for two or three weeks in a row. I promise you, the job is not difficult, and we will train you. This position can be very rewarding as you literally have a front-row seat and are a vital part of the service. But it’s good to have a variety of individuals serve other positions as well, such as lector, sacristan, and bread baker. See me about volunteering.

I will leave things there for now. If you have any questions or concerns about Dignity Washington’s liturgies, please pull me aside after Mass. I’m there most Sundays. Or you may contact me by email at

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