Dignity Washington 2024 Elections – May 19

The Dignity Washington 2024 Election Committee has finalized the slate of candidates for the open positions for board members and president. The committee, consisting of Tom Yates, Bob Schmid, and Peter Edwards, present a full slate of candidates to the Board. On May 19, the community will be led in a “vote by acclamation” since the number of candidates equals the number of open positions.

See below the statements provided by each candidate. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Dignity Washington Office Manager at dignity@dignitywashington.org.

Bridget Kilburn — Dignity Washington has been one of the greatest blessings in my life over the past few years, and I have savored the opportunity to learn so much about the organization’s workings and history since joining the board last year. I am eager to continue to be involved in the decision making for this group.
In a time when many people are coming of age lacking a sense of community or belonging, I think that Dignity Washington offers so much to all generations. By playing to these strengths, we can draw in higher levels of membership and ensure that Dignity will last as a beacon for years to come.

Gil Pimentel — I moved around the corner from St Margaret’s five years ago, during a difficult time in my life. Within Dignity, I have found a safe harbor — a place for spiritual healing. But creating a setting in which such spiritual gifts can be reaped isn’t just happenstance. It is the product of the efforts made by people who are willing to organize, strategize, negotiate and do a ton of prosaic grunt work on behalf of the entire community. As a board member, I’ve thrown myself into many such tasks, and my focus recently has been on the inclusion of women, minorities, and young people. I recruited the only woman on Dignity Washington’s board (who is also, by far, one of its youngest members). With her, I organized the Women’s Mass — a special service which honors the participation of women in the church by having an all-woman team at the altar. Attendance at the two women’s Masses that have been held so far brought in numerous new faces to our service. As a board member, I intend to continue pushing ahead with our commitment toward expanding the participation of women, and to explore new channels by which we can foster the participation of minorities and young people as well.

Doug Kilburg — I’ve served three previous terms on the board and have enjoyed contributing towards the betterment of the Dignity Washington community. My previous roles have included assisting with after Mass socials, singing in the choir, planning anniversary events, attending national conferences, organizing silent auctions, recruiting external outreach organizations to attend Mass, assisting with PRIDE events, and assisting with community surveys. I’m proud to call the Dignity Washington community my spiritual home. If I continue on the board of directors, I pledge to keep advocating for the organization’s best financial interest, the recruitment of new members, and encouraging the group to act in ways according to our religious beliefs.

Jason Carson Wilson — Rev. Carson Wilson is an ordained Convergent Catholic Communion priest (as of May 4, 2024) and United Church of Christ minister with definite Jesuit tendencies. He is a nonprofit leader and organizer committed to intersectional LGBTQIA+ advocacy and creating spaces for LGBTQIA+ people in communities of faith. Those commitments continue to inspire him to serve and drives him to run for re-election. Jason presented at a DignityUSA Youth Caucus event and a virtual DignityUSA conference. He’s the founding executive director of the Bayard Rustin Liberation Initiative and a Doctor of Ministry candidate at the Pacific School of Religion.

Jim Lindsay — I have been a Dignity member for the last eight years. For the past two years, I have had the honor of serving on the Board of Directors. I cantor at Mass about once a month. Quarterly, I help assign members to various ministerial roles for our liturgies. Occasionally, I interview members and write “getting to know you” articles for the weekly Bulletin. Dignity gives me a sense of belonging. I find the liturgies very important in my spiritual growth. The preaching, music, and fellowship are what feeds me and have kept me coming back. I enjoy helping a community that has given so much to me. I am eager to spend time together in our newly remodeled Center and would love to serve this much-needed faith community for another term.

David Friscic — My name is David Friscic and I feel that Dignity Washington has contributed so much to the LGBTQIA+ Catholic community through liturgy, outreach, communication, social events, relevant presentations, and unique service to those in need. I have witnessed the courage of the entire Dignity Washington community coming together to worship, work together and celebrate faith and community together. I would like to see the Dignity Washington community gaining even more growth and traction by trying to attract new members into our organization. I have also been active in the Aging with Dignity caucus and am working to bring in presentations on LGBTQIA+ assistance for the aging. I have reviewed three books for the DignityUSA site. I will continue to work towards helping Dignity Washington to be a vital Catholic LQBTQIA+ organization in the present while we look towards the future.

Vince L Rodriguez — For 30+ years, my husband and I have been members of Dignity Washington. During this time, I have served as bread and wine minister, lector, board member, and chair or member of the organizing committee for the 28th, 30th, 40th and 45th Anniversary Dinners. I am interested in serving as President to work with the Board to expand on the work of my predecessors, particularly attracting and retaining younger members, increasing our visibility in the community, and maintaining and building our social media presence to ensure a financially viable and thriving chapter for generations to come.

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