Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, May 12

The Ascension of the Lord took place 40 days after Easter, which this year, is celebrated on Ascension Thursday, May 9. In most dioceses in the Unites States, though, the celebration of this solemnity and holy day of obligation is transferred to the following Sunday, May 12.

The Ascension of the Lord is detailed in the Scriptures and in our creeds. Every Sunday, we profess it in the Nicene Creed:

“(Jesus) ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.”

Jesus’ ascension concluded his work on earth to bring about our redemption that he began on Good Friday. The Ascension of the Lord is followed 10 days later by the feast of Pentecost.

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Synod Cardinals Offer Mixed Response on “Fiducia Supplicans”

The Vatican declaration, Fiducia Supplicans, that permitted blessing same-gender relationships has been at the center of Catholic LGBTQ+ discourse for many weeks.

In April, Dignitas Infinita was released with its condemnatory approach to gender identity issues and unleashed a brand new wave of commentaries/debates.

The conversation around Fiducia Supplicans continues, though.

Synod Leaders Say Blessings No Longer a Synod Issue

Two cardinals leading the church’s synodal efforts spoke about Fiducia Supplicans this spring. While affirming the declaration, both said the issue of blessing same-gender couples was not an issue for the upcoming Synod on Synodality General Assembly this October.

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, SJ, of Luxembourg, the Synod’s Relator General, commented on Fiducia Supplicans during a press conference about the synodal working groups announced in March. While describing the declaration as “very beautiful,” the cardinal affirmed it as showing “God loves everyone, including those in irregular situations.” Hollerich explained further that, “It’s truly a pastoral document, it is not a doctrinal document.” He added that, with its release, the issue of blessings would not need to be taken up at this October’s assembly because Pope Francis “has already decided, and it is not something we should go back to, at least in the Synod.”

Malta’s Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod, said he had no advanced notice about the declaration and became aware of it “like everybody else when it was published.” Grech was not upset with this course of events because, according to him, Fiducia Supplicans has “nothing to do with” the Synod on Synodality’s assemblies. Speaking at a conference in Ireland, the cardinal remarked on last year’s synod assembly, saying a reference to “LGBTQ” was removed from the synthesis report because:

“We noticed that some had difficulty with that phrase and changed it. We did not change the content but the wording and in that way, we managed to get a majority vote. Whereas had we left the phrase I’m sure it would not have got the vote it got. We need to take into account the needs and the sensibilities of all because our task is to try to reach a consensus and learn, as a church, how to arrive at something agreed by the wider spectrum.”

[Reported on May 7, 2024 by Robert Shine, Managing Editor at New Ways Ministry]

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Nights OUT with the NATS – Thursday, June 6, 6:45

Tickets for the 19th Annual Night OUT presented by Team DC will go on sale next Sunday, May 12, after Mass for $35 each.

Join the LGBTQ+ community in celebrating Pride at Nationals Park when the Washington Nationals play the Atlanta Braves with the game starting at 6:45 pm on Thursday, June 6.

This year all tickets will be electronic meaning you (or an accompanying friend) must have a smartphone to access your ticket(s). When you buy your ticket(s), you will need to provide your email address and smartphone number. Special instructions will be sent to you about how to set-up and use the MLB Ballpark app on your phone.

With the purchase of a ticket, fans will receive a Nationals Night OUT Wearable Pride Flag at the stadium.

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Outreach Conference 2024 (Georgetown, August 2–4, 2024)

Outreach, an LGBTQ Catholic Resource organization, will convene its third annual conference at Georgetown University on August 2–4, 2024.

Several Dignity Washington and DignityUSA members participated in the 2022 and 2023 conferences held in New York City.

This year’s conference promises to be equally welcoming and engaging.

Speakers will include Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington; John J. DeGioia, Ph.D., President of Georgetown University; and James Martin, SJ, founder of Outreach.

Diverse panelists will discuss a range of topics, including:

  • News from Rome: The Synod and “Fiducia Supplicans”
  • LGBTQ Women and the Church
  • Transgender Catholics and the Church
  • Telling LGBTQ Catholic Stories
  • The Bible and Homosexuality
  • Race, Intersectionality and LGBTQ People

Registration is open! Additional information about the event is available at: Conference: Outreach 2024

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Dignity USA Young Adults Meet in Washington, DC

Over the weekend of April 12 through 14, a group of young adults of Dignity USA came together in Washington, DC.

The weekend was a reunion for several of the youth pilgrims who attended the Papal Youth Day year in Portugal. In addition, it brought together other youth leaders from across the country to help plan for several exciting events in 2024 and 2025.

These future events include a youth retreat, World Pride in DC next year, and the July 2025 Dignity USA Conference in Dublin, Ohio.

Dignity Washington sponsored the Saturday night dinner and several Washington members joined the festivities: Rory, Victor, Tom, Allen, and Daniel, who as Vice President, co-facilitated the weekend with Meli Barber, President of Dignity USA. A great time was had by all!!

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Stories to Honor Women’s History Month

StoryCorps is committed to the idea that everyone has an important story to tell and that everyone’s story matters. Their mission: to help us believe in each other by illuminating the humanity and possibility in us all — one story at a time.

Since their founding in 2003, they’ve helped nearly 700,000 people across the country have meaningful conversations about their lives. These recordings are collected in the U.S. Library of Congress and in their online archive which is now the largest single collection of human voices ever gathered.

While the stories are broadcast weekly on NPR to over 12 million listeners, StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit, sharing select stories with the public through our podcast, animated shorts, digital platforms, and best-selling books.

Women’s History Month commemorates women’s groundbreaking contributions to society and culture. Listen to and share the stories of women who have loved hard, worked hard, and broken down barriers. Honor the everlasting impact they have made in their industries, families, communities, and more. For more information and to select stories to listen, go here.

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Capital Pride 2024

Although Capital Pride is still a few months away, planning for it has already begun. The Capital Pride Committee has announced the theme for this year as “Totally Radical” and in response, Dignity Washington has a working theme of “LGBT Catholics: Radically Claiming of Faith Since 1972!” Mark you calendar for the first planning meeting to occur on Sunday, April 7, at 4:30pm.

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Next Steps in the Synodal Journey

In preparation for the Synod on Synodality’s conclusion this October, New Ways Ministry is hosting a “Conversations in the Spirit” gathering for LGBTQ+ people and allies. All are invited to participate on Thursday, March 21, from 7:30- 9pm.

Last October, the Synod’s first General Assembly noted that, “people feel marginalized or excluded from the Church because of their marriage status, identity or sexuality also ask to be heard and accompanied.” Many Catholics on the margins seek a church that is “a place to call ‘home’ where they can feel safe, be heard and respected, without fear of feeling judged.”

New Ways Ministry’s spiritual conversations this month aim to help the wider church better understand the joys, hopes, griefs, insights, disappointments, and wisdom of LGBTQ+ people and allies. As part of the common synodal journey, a report on the gathering’s outcomes will be compiled and submitted to church leaders and Synod delegates. To register, go here.

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WATERritual on March 26

The Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) invites you and your networks to join them for their upcoming monthly program “Pray with Us to Welcome Spring Renewal” on Zoom, Tuesday, March 26, at 7:30pm with Diann Neu and the WATER Community. You are invited to come and pray with them as they welcome spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Click here to register for the program.

The Story of WATER

More than four decades ago, two courageous women saw a need and took a risk that has shaped the feminist religious movement. Mary E Hunt and Diann L Neu gathered thirteen women from various faith backgrounds and created a place where women’s religious needs could be met and women’s creativity nurtured. WATER was born.

WATER is a non-profit educational center and public charity in Silver Spring, MD, that focuses on feminist work in religion. Since its founding in 1983, WATER has built a growing network of scholars, ministers, and activists around the world who are committed to engaging theological training and scholarship in the service of social change. They promote empowerment, justice, peace, and systemic change.

WATER transforms religious structures by strengthening women as religious agents and encouraging them to work for inclusive religious communities and an egalitarian future. They have a global impact, an international reach. They promote eco-feminist work and are collaborative and participative as they work in alliance with justice networks worldwide.
For more than forty years, WATER, thanks to supporters and funding partners, has demonstrated the financial stability and simple living necessary to create and sustain efficient and high-quality services for people in need. They operate on the principle of non-discrimination regarding race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, and national origin.

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“Fiducia Supplicans” — Small, Important Step to LGBTQ+ Visibility

For Franciscan Fr Daniel Horan, Fiducia Supplicans, the Vatican’s declaration allowing blessings of same-gender couples, is a small, but important step towards LGBTQ+ visibility in the church.

Fr Horan, a theologian and columnist for the National Catholic Reporter, acknowledges that “most people have embraced the positive and rather matter-of-fact declaration” about blessings for “irregular” couples. He lauds it:

“Though the gesture may be small, the publication of Fiducia Supplicans signals an important departure from the status quo of erasure and dehumanization. Perhaps this declaration will be enough of a recognition, of seeing and beholding of LGBTQ+ persons that over time the broader faith community (of which LGBTQ+ Catholics are equally a part) can open itself up to learn more about and from them.

That many LGBTQ+ folks feel seen now and recognized by leaders in their faith community is a very good thing. Perhaps it will be the beginning of something more, but in the meantime it is at least a small acknowledgement of full dignity, value and humanity of LGBTQ+ people.”

Fr Horan divides the critics of Fiducia Supplicans into “two general buckets.” In the first are critics of the document who fear that permission for such blessings will cause confusion about whether same-gender couples can marry, and these include bishops from Africa and Eastern Europe. The second bucket, however, is the critics Fr Horan views as more dangerous for they fear even the simple recognition that LGBTQ+ people exist:

“…[I]t appears that there are those who are angry that LGBTQ+ persons are acknowledged as existing in the world at all. This homophobic frustration is most commonly found on social media and anonymous internet comments, but others have been more public with their displeasure.

Some have appeared to double down on the most incendiary and pastorally insensitive (not to mention theologically dubious) language that has appeared in Catholic documents on LGBTQ+ persons and ministry over the years.”

For Fr Horan, precisely makes Fiducia Supplicans is significant, and also suspect in the eyes of some critics, is that it acknowledges the humanity of LGBTQ+ individuals.
To read the full article, go to here.

~~ Sarah Cassidy (she/her) and Robert Shine (he/him), New Ways Ministry, February 8, 2024

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